Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Dear Netflix

Who on earth designed your new pricing schemes? I currently pay $9.99/month for unlimited streaming + unlimited DVDs (1 at a time). You say you're going to charge me $ 15.98 for the same package starting September in order to "better reflect the value of the services". A 60% hike! What do you take me for? Frankly, an additional $6 doesn't make a dent in my pocket but it's the principle of the thing. You should know that.

Granted, you're offering me cheaper alternatives. $7.99 for unlimited streaming only or $7.99 for unlimited DVDs only. And okay, I barely watch 1 DVD a month so maybe you thought I'd jump at the $7.99 streaming package. But I'm not jumping. Firstly, because you have newer movies only on DVDs. And I like having an unopened DVD lying around at all times even if I don't watch it right away. And secondly, your streaming collection sucks.

Then why don't I just get the unlimited DVDs for $7.99 you ask? Because you frikkin' allow only 1 DVD out at a time and I like having a selection to pick from!

So where does this leave me? I gave up my cable service because of you! And you let me down. (Over a nondescript email which I almost missed). For shame. Now I have to mutely accept your tyranny for a service I barely use (but like having). Or, I cancel altogether and go back to my no-TV lifestyle from grad school.

But hey guess what? There are other options out there! That's right Netflix, you don't own the entire online TV space, even if you're acting like you do. So I'm going off to join one of your competitors and I think I may be just as happy with them.

It's not me Netflix, it's you.

Disillusioned former admirer,

I'm curious to see how this pans out and to understand the thought process behind the pricing strategy. Perhaps Netflix's customer base is largely composed of families with the extended plans (which will see only a 20% hike) and the new schemes work out well for them? Perhaps Netflix believes that streaming is the future and they plan to release all new movies on streaming? Or perhaps they have some other trick up their sleeve...

In the meantime, will customers like me simply walk away? Will it boost business for competitors like Hulu? Will it affect Netflix's profitability? Their stock price? Time will tell.


  1. It's been over a year since you posted this. Followup post? =)

  2. Haha sorry, I've been lazy. Thanks for reminding me that I have a blog. I need to get back to it.
