Monday, August 1, 2011

Mid-year self-assessment

I'm a very check-list kinda person. I like to  need to make lists for thing to do and goals to achieve and to eventually check off the list. Every January, I send myself an email listing my goals for the year and then go back and review it at the end of the year. It's a ritual. So imagine my chagrin when I couldn't locate my goal list for 2010. I looked in my Gmail inbox, drafts and even trash bin, but couldn't find the list. I think I may have never written one down. I have a vague memory of making a fleeting resolution to be more easy-going and spontaneous in 2010.  Perhaps that explains the list-less-ness. :P

Not having fixed goals actually worked out for the best in 2010. The GMAT and subsequent MBA application and acceptance may never have happened if I'd had grandiose aims like "explore Europe and South America" and  "read at least 24 good books". But since I realized that not having a goal-list made me uneasy at the end of the year, I made me a list for 2011.

A little over half the year later, how am I doing? I thought I'd look through a part of my list (the part I can share publicly).

- Read at least 6 good books outside school stuff. (Considering I only finished 2 books in 2010, 6 will be a huge improvement.)
Status: I'm mid-way through "Atlas Shrugged", "Predictably Irrational", and "Liar's Poker". Can I count that as 1.5 books?

- Learn to swim over the summer.
Status: Didn't happen. Yet again!

- Work out more regularly.
Status: Meh. I'm doing alright but could do better.

- Bike to work once a week.
Status: My cycle is sitting in my office with a flat. Since May. Shame on me.

- Take investment risks.
Status: Yet to dip my toes in.(I feel more confident after the introductory Finance class.)

- Participate in more MBA events and competitions.
Status: Participated in one case competition, signed up for some clubs. Could do more.

- Stay on top of class homework and readings. Stay awake for the whole duration of the classed.
Status: Er, I think I'll defer this to 2012. 'Tis hard!

- Make at least a couple of international trips either for a vacation or as an MBA elective.
Status: In the works.

- Keep in better touch with my long-distance friends and family.
Status: Hahahah what a joke. The intention lingers, but time doesn't permit.

Alright, so I'm not doing too great. But I'm glad I have a few more months left in the year to fulfil the list at least partially. And I just thought of some more agenda items to add to the list. So much for last years resolution of being easy-going...