Monday, February 14, 2011

Asleep in Accounting

This quarter, my section has Economics on Saturday mornings and Accounting in the afternoon. Unsurprisingly, half the class is either yawning or Facebook-ing during the afternoon class. Two weeks ago, one of my hapless classmates actually dozed off on the very front row. Fortunately, someone noticed and took a picture of him for Facebook archives. The comments on that pic are absolutely hilarious with the likes of "Come to Anderson. Where dreams are realized" and "Don't worry, I'm sure the professor didn't notice" and "It's obvious you're visualizing a sophisticated accounting maneuver -- I do the exact same thing. It's called talent."

And then the following week, we had a substitute professor who changed the status quo.
First, he walked in wearing a t-shirt and shorts. He then proceeded to drop the F-word multiple times while talking taxes and called a lot of other things suckers. Mid-way through the lecture he realized that the class was being recorded, so he attempted to censor his language but barely succeeded. And then he took a call from his wife explaining that the last time he didn't take her call she called the police. None of us were sure whether we found him terrifying or amusing. He was knowledgeable no doubt, but I think I missed a lot of information while laughing at his antics. Suffice to say, nobody slept in that one accounting class!


  1.'s always funny to see ppl fall asleep in class...we had a girl that dozed off quite often in our psych one took pictures though...a bit too kind! :)

  2. I asked him if he would teach us for the rest of the semester, and he declined saying that he found FEMBA students "too needy".

  3. PB - that's the main use for camera phones!I'm so scared to doze off in class these days.
    mario - LOL! we're too needy? How?!
