Thursday, November 18, 2010

All or nothing

Last week, from Sunday to Sunday I read 4 papers for OB, studied for and submitted 1 stats quiz, attended classes in LA, had a study group discussion for a case, finished a project at work, had brainstorming sessions for new projects and even wrote a couple of blog posts.

Additionally, I attended:
2 birthday parties (Clubbing downtown after a long day of classes? Sign me up!)
3 baby events (Naming ceremony, first meeting, baby shower)
1 movie (The Social Network)
3 boot camp workouts (SO painful but SO rewarding)
and an all day outing at Disneyland. (My first time ever and it was AWESOME! Especially because our classmates who were Disney employees or regulars knew all the best things to do in the right order and gave us the personal tour experience. Thanks guys!)

Till Sunday night, I was a bundle of energy.

Since Sunday night I have done:

Exactly nothing.

Work has been slow past couple days. I haven't worked out. I have a ton of regression to study, but I've simply been unable to get started with it. I even decided not to attend a friend's dinner tonight to catch up on studying and yet here I am writing this post instead. And if the past few days are any indication, I'm going to start yawning by 9pm. I don't know what's causing this inertia and lack of drive. My energy just seems to have fizzled out. Maybe I thrive on a busy schedule and if I pushed myself to attend events, I'd focus more on my studies because I'd be putting in concentrated effort? Or maybe I just did too much last week and now my brain and body are asking me to slow down?

Whatever the reason, I don't like this yo-yo-ing of my productivity levels, this all-or-nothing lifestyle. I think I'll just go run for a bit now and then attempt regression analysis again. Hopefully, I will be able to end the week on a better note.

p.s.: On second thought, I did write the first draft for the OB case and attend one boot camp and bake bread. Perhaps I'm just being too harsh on myself..? 


  1. It's not you, it's multiple regression.

  2. You HAVE to give me a Guide to Disneyland session for the 31st.
