Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I'm feeling lucky..

Why is it so cold in the midwest and SO hot in the west today? What is that song I heard on the radio that goes, "Swear I've seen you before, I think I remember those eyes, eyes,eyes.."? What are those pretty long stemmed flowers that wave at me against the clear sky on the freeway ramp? Should I watch Wall Street? How hard is it for an adult to learn to swim? What does bootstrapping mean in the business context? What did my friend mean by "muy bien"? How does one counter caffeine related acidity? What is netvibes? Where exactly is Casablanca? Is the attention span of a goldfish really 3 seconds? What is the difference between attention span and memory span?

All the above questions came to mind today as part of work, conversations, IMs, while driving, or simply out of the blue. Luckily, I have a very reliable and super efficient go-to person for everything I could ever want to know. Anything and everything.

Happy 12th birthday dearest Google!


  1. Now that's a true google-aholic :)

  2. I am not sure how I survived before Google!

    p.S. I just signed up for netvibes yesterday.. pretty cool!

  3. I like the way use your random thoughts to create the post.

  4. @Psych - Yep! One of the very few things I cannot live without.
    @Em - I gotta check it out. Apparently it's been around long.
    @Mario - Thanks :) Do I know you?
