Sunday, September 26, 2010

Stuff I learned this weekend

- I am a worry wart. On Friday night I agonized that my phone would shut down and not wake me up at 6am and that my carpool would leave for school without me. I must buy an old fashioned alarm clock.
- I have forgotten how to take notes on paper. My handwriting has become a free flowing scrawl.
- I couldn't recollect much from any paper I read before Wednesday.
- But, I have a creepily photographic memory for peoples' updates on Facebook. Thrice during casual conversations, I had to bite back "Yes, I saw that on Facebook."
- I clearly remember the first letter of peoples' names but nothing else. Hence I mistakenly referred to three Js as John and two Bs as Brian yesterday. You'd think I'd learn after the first couple times.
- I can consume copious amounts of caffeine, be wide awake, and still yawn in a class. From the first row.
- I will eat raw vegetables if I'm hungry enough i.e. after all the cookies and cereal bars provided have been exhausted.
- I am a grad student at heart. I was just as excited about free pizza as I used to be during poorer school days.
- I will find any excuse to put off starting the next assignment. Case in point, this blog post.


  1. "I am a grad student at heart. I was just as excited about free pizza as I used to be during poorer school days."
    LOL Can't agree more..once a grad student .always a grad student !

  2. Lol! By the way, I have realised as well that we can yawn our heads off even if we are not really sleepy. Why is that?! And blogging and FB is the best when it comes to procrastinating with uni tasks. I discovered both during my masters =P

  3. @Raju - Yeah, free pizza makes me forget all the healthy eating habits that I developed when I first started getting paid regularly! It reminds me of University days in a good way.

    @Psych - Hmm I wonder if it's because we are deprived of O2 and that could happen if yawners (?) near us are depriving our supply? Plausible?:)
